Getting hired in the fire service is not an easy process. Many people have that desire to become a Firefighter, but for whatever reason cannot put the pieces together to make it a reality. Over
the 20 plus years I have been in the fire service, I have had the opportunity to be on both sides of the hiring process - as a candidate and as a rater, proctor and even testing process developer /
administrator. This book will assist future Firefighters specifically prepare for a career in the fire service.
This book is not the one-size-fits-all book to become a Firefighter. There is just not enough room to accomplish that. Instead, this book is meant to be your starting point to get you headed in
the right direction as you begin the process of becoming a Firefighter. Nobody said it was going to be easy becoming a Firefighter; if it was, everyone would be doing it!
Available in soft cover or eBook format.
To order - CLICK HERE.
Also available on and
Sections within this book include:
- An anonymous letter for all Firefighters to read
- Still in high school?
- Why do you want to be a Firefighter?
- What does a Firefighter do?
- Lessons learned from past students
- Fire service career opportunities
- 8 Reasons people never get hired as Firefighters
- 50 Character traits a Firefighter candidate should possess
- Basic questions to ask yourself before starting
- Basic necessities for the Firefighter candidate
- 25 Reasons to NOT hire you as a Firefighter
- Items that may disqualify a candidate
- Personal history questionnaires
- 25 Reasons to hire you as a Firefighter
- How old is too old to become a Firefighter?
- Do you really know what you're getting into?
- Understanding fire service wages and benefits
- So, you want to become a Firefighter? 5 guidelines to assist you
- Becoming an Explorer Firefighter to gain valuable experience
- Becoming a Volunteer Firefighter to gain valuable experience
- Emergency Medical Service related volunteer experiene
- Other volunteer/community service opportunities
- Educating yourself on the fire service is paramount to your success
- Why should I obtain formal fire service education?
- Why should I go through a college firefighter academy?
- Successfully passing your fire technology classes
- EMS related training for future Firefighters
- You want to become a Firefighter, should you become a paramedic?
- How to properly present yourself during a fire station visit
- Ride along etiquette
- Researching a fire department
- Sample fire department information template
- Creating your candidate research binder
- You've started researching fire departments, what's next?